Downloading Flash Files
Everything is ready now. Start the Internet Explore, enter a web site, and you
find flash files in the web page, now your question is :ííHow to save flash
files with Flash Catcher?
There are five approaches to doing so.
Flash Float Toolbar
Move your mouse over the flash; a float toolbar
will appear at the left top of the flash. Click the save button,
it will be saved for you.
- Sometimes float toolbar doesn't appear.
You can move mouse out and move over again. Don't move your mouse very
quickly. Delay your mouse for a while.
- How to save the flash in the popup window with flash float toolbar?
Move over your mouse over the flash slowly, especially at the border of
popup window.
Flash Context Menu
Saving Flash with Flash Context Menu is in ways much similar to Flash Float Toolbar. The
difference is: when you move over the flash, right click you mouse button. Click
save menu item in the Context menu.
Internet Explorer Toolbar
After installation of Flash Catcher, A icon
was added
into Internet Explorer by the installer. Click the
icon, a dialog will display, and it will extract all flash in current web page.

Do the following:
- Click Change Folder button, Select a Folder to store flash files. (This
step is only needed in the first time.)
- Select the flash files you want to save, click save button.
- How to save flash in the popup window with Internet Explorer Toolbar?
Press F11, to put Internet Explorer in Full Screen Mode, Internet Explorer
toolbar will appear.
Internet Explorer Context Menu
Right Click your mouse, Internet Explorer Context menu will display. You will
find a new menu item named "Save Flash with Flash Catcher", click it,
and do as Internet Explorer Toolbar
Internet Explorer Tool Menu
You can find a new menu item name Flash Catcher in Internet Explore Tool menu.
Click it, and do as Internet Explorer Toolbar